Not a lot happened this week in terms of national news, at least nothing that popped up on my radar that’s noteworthy. Although the death of Bob Saget was unpleasant.
Bob Saget dead at 65. When I got the news, it was in the form of a gif with clips of Tourette’s Guy exclaiming Bob Saget, then the text “He Ded”. I thought Tourette’s guy had died once again, and could not believe that in reality it was Bob Saget who had passed. A legend and an icon, a hero to some and an inspiration to others. Honestly I think my favorite thing I’ve seen with him was his roast, and it was the late Norm McDonald’s roast that stood out at that.
As I mentioned last week, about major new vaccines in the making, apparently there’s evidence that MS can be linked to a strain of the cold. So, its possible to develop a vaccine that will target certain receptors or whatever within that strain that can effectively cure MS.
Moving along to more personal things…
I captured a village of los duendes on my walk with my dog Clover the other day, I even managed to capture footage
Really not a lot happened this week. I had a picnic in balboa park with some friends, we got chilaquiles from this place called Cocina31. I went to visit another friend at the theater/bar he tends for his birthday. I went to Jiu Jitsu a couple times this week. I got my $90 jacket in the mail which was too small. I downloaded a Dreamcast Emulator to play Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, and honestly this has been the most exciting thing all week. Well, I also made a homemade pizza which I was pretty proud of.
I work at a Navy ship repair company. I’m what’s called a Quality Care Inspector, or QCI. It’s a job I’ve had for almost a year, and it is filled with absolute savages, shitshows and heirs of importance. We make repairs on Navy ships, government comes to check on said repairs while I’m there inspecting as well, and as long as everyone is happy, Navy chiefs and government alike, they sign off on our work and we get paid. The shipyard industry as a whole is like no other industry I’ve ever been a part of. Keep in mind, before this I was working as a web designer for a small business graphic design/marketing firm. Polite office culture with the occasional passive aggressive email and toxic client/designer relationship. This industry, we just have aggressive-aggressive PM’s, Navy chiefs, Department heads and the like. I don’t think I can ever work anywhere else, as awful as these people are, I’ve never had as much freedom as I have now. Yesterday there was absolutely no work to be done so my boss had me do a photoshop so that he can send to his friend who works at a rival repair company.
Political correctness goes right out the window at a place like this, and as time goes on, I think writing about this place seems more and more like it needs to be done. Sometimes I feel like Hunter S Thompson just observing how this place works, the characters, the drama, the backstabbing, the absolute lack of accountability and corruption that happens behind the scenes. It’s a mafia more or less. Martin Scorsese would have a field day hearing about the wild west days of the 80’s and 90’s of my place of employment.
In the world of gaming, I have completed Dragon Age 2 on PC. I stayed up until 4am on a Saturday just to beat the game. It was a solid 6/10. kinda repetitive as all dungeons looked the same, the whole game more or less takes place only in Kirkwall and surrounding areas. The battles got to be draining and annoying, there werent even that hard but there was just so many all the time and you get almost nothing from them. The writing was pretty good actually, and I liked the characters but some things didnt make a lot of sense near the end. overall, this game seemed more like a DLC then a true sequel to the masterpiece that is Dragon Age.
In the world of literature, I just finished the novel ‘More Than Human’ by Theodore Sturgeon. This one was good, its about these people who are like the next step in evolution, 5 in total, they come together to form a gestault, which is like different things with different uses forming together as 1 unit or organism. theres a telepath, a couple teleporters, a…hypnotist I guess? Well a mind controller anyway, and then theres the infant who is like an all knowing being. only the telepath can communicate with it so they all have to kind of work as one organism to thrive. Not quite a hivemind because they are all individuals, but something similar. As they progress, questions like morality and ethos have to be considered since as a gestault, they really have power over regular humans, but in order to live on they need things like ethos or principles, a code if you will.