My name is Zachary Davis, I live in San Diego, and graduated from SDSU with a BA in Multimedia. I like to read, practice Jiu Jitsu, play with my kettlebell, listen to interesting music, and watch a good movie from time to time. My hobby is a mix of web design and drawing, so i figure, why not mix the two? When I feel extra motivated, I like to write illustrated short stories, and comics. I guess they’re one in the same, but you get the idea. I am inspired by a range of good people from many walks of life. From Martin Scorsese to Katsuhiro Otomo. From Maurice Sendak to Harmony Korine.I could keep you here forever compulsively listing off talented artists, but I wont. However, it is important to know where I come from and who I look up to. My end goal is a tough one to grasp, and honestly, I dont know if I can put it into words. But during the ride I’ll try to put some of my better projects here for the world to see. Please reach out if you have a like mind.