The first few milestones of the James Web telescope happened this week. In 3 days, they fully unfolded the thing that’s supposed to protect the rest of the telescope from the sun’s temperature. The telescope is supposed to be -233 Celsius for it to be able to detect infrared from zillions of lightyears away, so, light that existed zillions of years ago. Steven Hawking would be 80 years old today, January 8th. If he were alive today, he’d be pooping in his pants at the thought of the Universe’s distant past being displayed through the lenses of Big Bertha herself, I mean the James Webb telescope of course.
Some other items of interest in 2022 is something that at least some scientists are hopeful about. Vertical farming, HIV and Malaria Vaccines, there’s this dust that’s theoretically supposed to disperse the radiation from the sun that could potentially help to keep our planet a little cooler, it would be shot off into space, but the research is controversial.
Unfortunately, the news of Elon Musk’s Boring tunnel is proving to be prophetic of it’s own title. Of course, it’s still new but there have been some easily predictable problems as is what happens when these things get popular, people will flock to it. What does that lead to? Traffic jams. But who knows, maybe it will prove to be more beneficial to society and Musk will have to give it a rebrand and call it the Exciting Tunnel, or in the least, The Exiting tunnel once they find a way for people to actually exit to the other side.
This week marked the anniversary of the capital insurrection. Since Trump’s Maggot army didn’t get firebombed, I would’ve had a raging hard-on if anyone of these “people” had a harsher sentence to this day. Unfortunately it isn’t that easy. You can’t charge individuals for something that a group did. Well, you can give individuals certain charges that don’t amount to bunk. That’s why they’re mainly getting fines, or light sentences. If all that is proven of you is breaking a window and smearing shit on a wall, then really you can only get charged for vandalism and destruction of property, its not like we can just have a mass execution, that can be problematic. Maybe if anything, their can be some semblance of a RICO type trial, where the ones at the top get pursued, but since this is America, treason, murder, rape, torture, and genocide are all legal as long as you know the right people and loopholes.
Sidney Portier died at the age of 94, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie of his, but I hear he’s done good stuff. Unfortunately Dick Cheney is still alive and kicking it with his right wing extremist buddies in the democratic party.
But enough news, I finished the book ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things’ by Iain Reid, Based on the popular Netflix series of the same title. Dumb jokes aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the novel, the movie, not as much. I think the movie could have been an hour shorter, but I’m also biased towards shorter movies. In a way, the novel gave me something similar to the creeps, more like a feeling of impending doom. I don’t want to get too much more into it, but roughly, it’s about a couple, guy and girl, who is on their way to visit the parents of the guy. Along the way the girl is having reservations about staying with the guy, and is uncomfortably pondering telling him as the entire ordeal is filled with unsettling odd behavior from all characters involved. The thing that makes it slightly creepy is how at first, their is a sense of normalcy but things just keep breaking down into weirder and weirder quirks, it almost seems like a fever dream, then a night terror that you are having trouble waking up from. Anyway, the book is much better than the movie.
I’d like to end this blog post with miscellaneous observations, discoveries, and basically just unique things that I stumble upon throughout the week.
Check out Sidewalk Chalk Dad on Instagram, he does portraits on the sidewalk, in chalk, and he’s a dad I assume.
I’m liking this new computer chair I purchased, it even has a means to recline and put up my feet to allow for maximum laziness
Due to the ongoing chip shortage and supply chain crisis, I panic-purchased a Nintendo Switch with no games. I’m sure when I get games, I will write about them here.
I set up my surround sound speakers this week, A life goal and bucket list item finally accomplished.
Check out the movie A Seperation directed by Asghar Farhadi, an Iranian film dealing with divorce, family drama, dimentia, Sharia Law and the lost art of headbutting people and objects.
For Christmas I received 50 Seinfeld stickers from babygirl, I figure my new desk-collage is a must share.
Added some new digital artwork, go check that, along with the rest of my artwork out!